On David Alan Black at Shepherd’s Theological Seminary
Thomas Hudgins was there and comments.
Thomas Hudgins was there and comments.
A media kit is now available for Why Four Gospels? and can be downloaded in PDF format.
Why Four Gospels? is now finally showing “In Stock” on Barnes & Noble, and at a great price of $8.63 (checked 11/3/2010). This is a good opportunity to buy!
His conclusion? So, buy and read Why Four Gospels? Even if you do not agree with Black, it will at least be a good example of how to write on a difficult subject in a way that almost all readers will understand. Read the rest …
From Brian Fulthorp at sunestauromai. I’m glad to see all these folks letting us know their books have arrived, and I’m watching the sites for the reviews. I’ll link to them from here.
That was fast! No sooner received than reviewed! A publisher cannot help but love a review titled “Why you should read ___!” I’ll leave his five reasons you should read the book for you to find in his review, but I want to quote this: Dr. Black deals with technical information in an easy-to-follow format…
Jon Glass has received his. We’re looking forward to his review.
Arthur Sido and Alan Knox have received their copies of Why Four Gospels? and are planning to start reading and then reviewing. Have fun!
The last thing I want to be is intellectually lazy, but I must confess that at times I have probably relied on the conclusions of the guild of biblical scholarship too much without delving into the matter for myself. Dave has done that for us, and his conclusions challenge the conventional wisdom I have all…
From Dave Black Online: 1:52 PMNijay muses about Matthew’s Greek. “It is an unfortunate commonplace in classrooms of seminaries and Christian colleges to hear that Matthew improved and corrected the ugly and unintelligent Greek of Mark,” he writes. A fine compliment to our classrooms, but he is right. Questions about Mark’s “inferior” Greek crop up…