Mark Presents Peter

7:47 AM Mark as the interpres of Peter: Indeed, it is the modern critics, blinded by their conviction of the priority of Mark, who have failed to accept the obvious message of the patristic evidence. That is why they have misunderstood the significance of the texts that always describe the disciple Mark as the go-between…

Andy Bowden Review

An extract from the review: Black’s skill as a writer shines in this book: he successfully puts the pieces together in what many have considered an unsovable jig-saw puzzle. Black demonstrates that the solution need not be complicated by far-fetched hypothecating of fanciful theories about lost sources. He accomplishes this in a straightforward, clear manner…

On Historicity

12:48 PM On historicity: Unlike the fantastic hypotheses thought up by exponents of Markan priority, which cannot be directly refuted because they are all located in the blank tunnel period, the Fourfold-Gospel Hypothesis respects and accepts the real life situation of the universal church in the years 30–67 and agrees with the known history of…

James A. Lee

James A. Lee at Deliver Detroit reviews Why Four Gospels? A sample: With the prevalence of evangelical dismissal of anything common to the 1st century or pre-reformation thought concerning the order and historicity of Church life, or documents, this book comes as a challenge to the dismissal of Patristic witness concerning the chronological order of…

On Dispensing with Q

10:41 AM On dispensing with “Q”: One problem that arises is that of the existence of Q. We cannot confront this issue here, for the complexity of such a task would be significant enough to warrant a book of its own. However, as we have seen, the Fourfold-Gospel Hypothesis permits us to dispose with Q…