… here!
… here!
Ivan Monroy reviews the previous edition of Why Four Gospels?
Mark Stevens at the Near Emmaus blog has begun a review series on Why Four Gospels?. Be sure to go check it out. He’s going to do these in a series of posts called “Black Tuesdays.” Here’s an idea, Mark. What if we send you two other books by Dave Black, also published by Energion,…
From Brian Fulthorp at sunestauromai. I’m glad to see all these folks letting us know their books have arrived, and I’m watching the sites for the reviews. I’ll link to them from here.
An extract from the review: Black’s skill as a writer shines in this book: he successfully puts the pieces together in what many have considered an unsovable jig-saw puzzle. Black demonstrates that the solution need not be complicated by far-fetched hypothecating of fanciful theories about lost sources. He accomplishes this in a straightforward, clear manner…
This review is of the previous edition, but should nonetheless be helpful.
There’s a nice, and exceptionally readable, review of Why Four Gospels? at A Living Sacrifice. I don’t usually comment on our blog reviewers, because bloggers must be free to review as they see fit, but in this case I make an exception. I’m not talking about the review being positive (which it is), but about…